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Je lis, je lis ! Print

Je lis, je lis! Print

The LEADER in French as a Second Language Learning

Explore our print classroom library of engaging French books! A colourful collection of 206 fiction and non-fiction books for your K-6 FSL students

206 readers with…

Reference to CEFR

Canadian beaver for teacher prompts

Fiction and Non-Fiction readers are paired and thematically linked by level

On the inside front cover of each reader there is…

  • Text type
  • Integration of subjects
  • Language structure
  • High frequency words
  • Sounds
  • Discussion questions

On the inside back cover, each reader includes CEFR JE PEUX statements.

  • Je Peux statements in line with CEFR reading strategies success criteria are included to promote metacognition
Teacher Guide

Each reader is supported with comprehensive, easy-to-use teaching notes, oral reading records, and reproducible reinforcement exercises. Teacher Guides are available to support all colour levels.

Teacher Lesson Notes

Provide the teacher:

  • Content synopsis, reading level and word count for each reader
  • Guided Reading scaffolded instruction plan using the Gradual Release model for instruction
  • Explicit instructional support including comprehension, phonological awareness, vocabulary, test convention, writing, and fluency

Oral Reading Records

Provide the teacher:

  • Oral Reading Record for each reader
  • Assessment tools to help show student progress or for summative assessment

Reinforcement Exercises

Provide the teacher:

  • Reproducible blackline masters for each title to reinforce skills taught in the lesson or for formative assessment

RK Publishing is a premier resource for Canadian French books.

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